Month: July 2014


Lionel Ferbos 1911-2014

Lionel Ferbos, a kind and gentle soul who loved his family, his jazz and his hometown has died. Lionel lived for 103 years. He played his trumpet until the age of 102. And although his loss will be felt far and wide.

Lionel believed everyone should ”keep on smiling”.  It’s easy to smile thinking of him. It’s hard not seeing him smile back.

He’s now an ancestor, joining all the others who moved on before him. It’s a gig that will last forever. And looking back at his life, so will his memory and his music.

Keep on Smiling by Lionel Ferbos

Lionel blowing trumpet


Picture books

It’s A Book! by Lane Smith

This is an awesome book, about books! It’s a Book! by Lane Smith is a story about a donkey, er, jackass who discovers the concept of a book.

“Do you blog with it?” the donkey asks.

“No, it’s a book,” the monkey explains.

“Where’s the mouse? Does it need a password? Can you make the characters fight? Can it text, tweet, toot?”

No, none of that, the monkey explains.

There are so many children out there like that donkey! Hopefully this summer, a monkey will help them discover a book!

It’s a Book: Lane Smith: 9781596436060: Books

  • Roaring Brook Press; First Edition edition (August 17, 2010)