A Perfect Picture Book Pair – Facing Fear
A Perfect Picture Book Pair about courage. These stories show it’s possible to overcome fear with the love and support of family.

In JABARI JUMPS by author-illustrator Gaia Cornwall, Candlewick Press, 2017, a boy declares to his dad that he is ready to jump off the high diving board for the first time. Or is he?
In THUNDER CAKE by author-illustrator Patricia Polacco, Philomel Books, 1990, a grandmother distracts her granddaughter frightened by an incoming storm by gathering all the ingredients needed to make a Thunder Cake – some from outside!
A Perfect Picture Book Pair showcases two books with universal themes, but one must include a diverse setting, or life experience, or main character. My goal is to support books in the market that contribute to diversity in children’s literature.
Mark Twain said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness…” I believe reading is too!
Kids love to see their reflections in books. Join me and #ReadYourWorld!
OH, Thunder Cake was my daughter’s favorite book as a child. I can’t tell you how many times we made Thunder Cake. Perfect way to diffuse a child’s anxiety’s about an upcoming storm!